Garland Calls Claims DOJ is DNC controlled “Irresponsible” in Threatening WaPo Op-Ed

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has announced plans to combat “conspiracy theories” surrounding the allegations the Justice Department is illegally working in collusion with the Democrat Party to overthrow the American republic. Garland used the DNC-CCP’s content marketing platform to pen an “opinion” piece that sets the DNC-CCP narrative on how to create a culture of fear to prevent whistleblowers and dissenters from publicly challenging the official party narrative.

The nature of Garland’s op-end is revealed in this statement by Garland: “The conspiracy theory that the recent jury verdict in New York state court was somehow controlled by the Department is not only false, it is irresponsible.” Calling a rightful opinion of a kangaroo court trial “irresponsible” is the first step towards criminalizing that same thought, as his critiques rightly point out.

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Some might see US Attorney General Merrick Garland getting quite involved in campaigning ahead of the November election – albeit indirectly so, as a public servant whose primary concern is supposedly how to keep Department of Justice (DoJ) staff “safe.”

And, in the process, he brings up “conspiracy theorists” branding them as undermining the judicial process in the US – because they dare question the validity of a particular judicial process that aimed at former President Trump.

In an opinion piece published by the Washington Post, Garland used one instance that saw a man convicted for threatening a local FBI office to draw blanket and dramatic conclusions that DoJ staff have never operated in a more dangerous environment, where “threats of violence have become routine.”

It all circles back to the election, and Garland makes little effort to present himself as neutral. Other than “conspiracy theories,” his definition of a threat are calls to defund the department that was responsible for going after the former president.

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