A YouGov Presidential Election poll reveals 84 percent of Americans believe 4 more years of a Biden presidency will make their families worse off than if he weren’t re-elected. It could indicate for some, Democrats specifically, they might very want things to get worse for all of us in their effort to overthrow the republic and replace it with a one-party state.
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Excerpt from www.thegatewaypundit.com
Raheem Kassam joined Steve Bannon on Monday morning to discuss the latest YouGov presidential election poll.
Raheem scoured the latest poll and found this shocking nugget in the cross tabs: 84% of Americans believe they will be worse off under a second Joe Biden term.
That means EVEN DEMOCRATS know life will suck under a second Biden term!
Steve Bannon: Democrats are in trouble. You’re never going to see Tester or Sherrod Brown or these guys on a stage with Joe Biden because he is the cooler, brother. Your thoughts?
Raheem Kassam: Yeah, so it absolutely is showing up in the US numbers as well now. These numbers, by the way, are getting buried by the corporate media when they report these things out. At the National Pulse, we have an analysis up this morning about some of the most critical numbers in the YouGOve and CBS poll, a 2,000-person poll, with a 3.2% margin of error. In that, 84% of Americans, likely voters, have said that they expect to be worse off under a second Biden term. That is to say that they expect it financially, things to either get worse or stay on the same downward trajectory as they are currently. 84% of Americans! These are unprecedented, depressive numbers that are going towards the… And they are totally, totally an indictment of Joe Biden and his economic campaign.